Name | Description | Default | Control |
value | Angle initial value | 0 | - |
max * | Maximum angle value | 0 | |
showLabel | Whether to show label or not | false | falsetrue |
labelSize | Label size of AngleSlider | "medium" | |
barSizePercent | Percentage length of bar | 100 | |
barThick | Thickness of bar | "2px" | |
size | Size of AngleSlider in pixel, rem, or percentage | "5rem" | |
className | Wrapper class name | - | - |
barClassName | Bar class name | - | - |
backgroundClassName | Circle class name | - | - |
labelClassName | Label class name | - | - |
onChange | Event when changing value | - | - |
onEnd | Event when stop rotating AngleSlider | - | - |